Quantitative online survey of university communicators in two waves

Read the project results directly in the short summary, the interim report or the final report.

"The way in which university communication is carried out at a university depends heavily on the university organization: For example, on how central and decentralized organizational units work together or where in the organizational chart the communication department is hung - and whether there is a central communication department at all." (Results of the 2016-2017 online survey, short summary)

Project description

University communicators today are faced with different expectations and demands than 20 years ago. They are faced with the challenge of having to redefine and shape their (communicative) role both within their institution and in their external activities. The current debate about quality criteria for science communication, institutional changes at universities (e.g. "new governance") and a significantly changed media context with altered target group behavior are among the factors influencing their role definition.

In current discussions within the professional field of "university communication", the lack of reliable data is repeatedly lamented, which is necessary for an evidence-based examination of external expectations, one's own self-image and any resulting areas of tension. The study "Hochschulkommunikation heute: Berufsbilder, Akteursrollen, Spannungsfelder" has created this database. A particular focus is placed on the positioning of university communication stakeholders within their organizations and the diverse internal and external relationships between stakeholders.

As part of an online survey of university communicators nationwide, the following topics will be addressed initially:

  • Equipment, structure, profile of the communication departments, facts about the universities
  • Relationship between the central communications department and public relations work in the university "periphery"
  • Understanding/changing roles of communicators
  • Development and implementation of communication strategies/channels
  • Evaluation criteria of university communicators for "good" university communication
  • Training and further education in the communication departments


Duration: 2015-2017

Work reports


  • Hauser, C.; Leßmöllmann, A.; Schwetje, T.: Researching university communication. Project presentation as part of the session "Project presentations "Special": Presentation of study results", 10th Forum Science Communication, Braunschweig, November 28, 2017
  • Leßmöllmann, A.; Hauser, C.; Schwetje, T.: Researching university communication. Results of two online surveys, conference "Anforderungen an Wissenschaftskommunikation", Verein Wissenschaftsrecht e.V., Weimar, June 22/23, 2017
  • Hauser, C.; Schwetje, T.; Leßmöllmann, A.: Researching university communication. Results of the first survey wave. Annual conference of the Federal Association of University Communication, Göttingen, 15.09.2016
  • Hauser, C.: Actors and organizations of university communication and their roles - analysis of actor-structure-dynamics - presentation at the research workshop "Interpretative Social Research" at the Berlin Methods Meeting, Berlin 22.07.2016


  • Hauser, C.; Schwetje, T.; Leßmöllmann, A.: Researching university communication. Results of two online surveys. Annual conference of the Federal Association of University Communication, Halle 20.09.2017
  • Hauser, C.; Schwetje, T.; Leßmöllmann, A.: Researching university PR. Workshop at the state speaker conference of the Federal Association of University Communication, Göttingen 03.03.2016
  • Leßmöllmann, A.; Hauser, C.: Researching university communication. Workshop at the annual conference of the Federal Association of University Communication, Duisburg 15.09.2015
  • Leßmöllmann, A.; Hauser, C.: Researching university communication. Workshop at the state speaker conference of the Federal Association of University Communication, Duisburg 19.03.2015

Participating scientists

Research field university communication - further projects

The chair is broadly positioned in the research field of university communication and has been active for many years. Read more about university communication research.

The HoKoPro project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and expands the field of research to include non-state universities:University communication at non-state universities: practice and organization

Another project combines university communication research with sociological organizational research and was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation from 2017-2019:Organization of university communication as a function of university forms